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Case Studies

Goteborg Airport
Copenhagen Primary Schools
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Copenhagen Childcare Centres

Excellent case study at one of Sweden's primary regional airports. WMS Water Management System enabled electronic taps fitted throughout the airport facilitating wireless reporting and control, along with significant water and energy savings across the site.

A pilot project at a Copenhagen primary school showed that 30% of the total water consumption of the school could be saved by just replacing the water taps.  This successful test site resulted in our taps being installed in all 40 schools across the Copenhagen area, a  saving of €186,000 per annum

Over the last two years, the Copenhagen childcare centre FS Rosa on Amager has
reduced its water consumption by as much as 27%, a saving of approximately
€4.000 per year, thanks to new electronic energy-saving taps. In total, the
municipality expects to save €320.000 a year on water consumption for the first 200 institutions alone.

Stockholm Exhibition Centre
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Carbon Reduction Scheme
Penguins on Floating Ice
British Antarctic Survey

Our WMS enabled taps installed in the Nordic Countries largest exhibition centre immediately resulted in significant water and energy savings combined with visible and clear patterns of usage enabling accurate and timely allocation of washroom cleaning and consumables replenishment.

With our Patented Water Widget we partnered with OFGEM to distribute over 4 million water and energy-saving devices saving over 4 million tonnes CO2.

Challis FM Mattsson showers were selected by the British Antarctic Survey for their South Pole base. A choice that would make most people conclude that they were quite reliable units.

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Idre Fjäll Resort

Idre Fjäll is a popular summer and winter resort in Sweden. With the aim of creating sustainable facilities, Idre Fjäll installed FM Mattsson WMS Water management system mixers throughout its public facilities.

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